By employing the Deepchill™ ProduceFresh System, we increase shelf life by 50%. This ice formula reduces shipping weight and brings the core temperatures of the product down 15-20 degrees in under 60 seconds. The rapid decrease in temperature merits an additional “point of kill” ensuring that bugs and bacteria are eliminated. In addition, the icing produces a constant low temperature during transportation and storage with no “hot pockets.” Thereby reducing melted ice by 60%, affording a 30% carbon footprint reduction per head of broccoli in a carton.
Quality Broccoli – Environmentally Friendly.
Hot loads are never a good thing, this is why Freshtex Produce partnered with Locus Traxx™. This device uses GPS to track each loads location and provide real time temperature monitoring, if the load reads hot, we’ll be notified before it’s too late.