Fresh Tex is a trusted produce Wholesaler. We provide a high level of customer service and deliver a wide range of produce to meet our clients’ needs.

Fresh Tex carries fresh broccoli with thick, edible stems and clusters of delicious flower heads that turn bright green when cooked. Our broccoli is both tasty and nutritious.

Fresh Tex carries juicy Persian Limes year round and can pack them in a 40# or 10# box depending on your preference. The 10# is available in both place or loose pack.

We proudly offer papayas on a year-round program from the traditional Maradol to our exclusive Sensation Papaya with its sweeter taste, seductive aroma and longer shelf life.

This chili pepper is a smaller version of the jalapeno. Approximately 1 to 4 inches on average, you are likely to find them in a vibrant green color.

Fresh Tex carries a PLU sticker variety of mangos to suit your pallet. We offer Ataulfo, Tommy, Haden, and Kent Mangos, each variety is grown and shipped to us directly from Mexico.