Our Products
Fresh Tex carries fresh broccoli with thick, edible stems and clusters of delicious flower heads that turn bright green when cooked. Our broccoli is both tasty and nutritious.
Available April – November
Fresh Tex carries juicy Persian Limes year round and can pack them in a 40# or 10# box depending on your preference. The 10# is available in both place and loose pack.
Available Year Round
We proudly offer papayas on a year round program from the traditional Maradol to our exclusive Sensation Papaya with its sweeter taste, seductive aroma and longer shelf life.
Available Year Round
Serrano Pepper
This chili pepper is a smaller version of the jalapeno. Approximately 1 to 4 inches on average, you are likely to find them in a vibrant green color.
Available Year Round
We carry delicious yellow lemons that can be utilized as the perfect flavoring agent. The flesh of our lemons is juicy when ripe – offering a variety of applications.
Available April – November
Jalapeno Pepper
Harvested when green and approximately 4 to 6 inches long, our jalapenos contain crisp and juicy flesh that offers flavor and spicy heat as it ripens.
Available Year Round
Poblano Pepper
This popular chili pepper has a mild to medium heat. Approximately 4 inches long, this pepper is perfect for stuffing – uncovering an invigorating flavor.
Available Year Round
Our carrots are the perfect cylindrical shape with rounded root ends. With a slight sweet flavor, the carrots we sell are fresh and crisp with a smooth, bright orange skin.
Available Year Round
Tomatillos are covered by a husk that encloses firm fruit. Our fresh tomatillos have a classic tart flavor when ripe, making it the perfect choice for salsas.
Available Year Round
Roma Tomato
Roma tomatoes have an oblong shape with a bright red skin. The meaty flesh contains few seeds and a higher amount of sugar with just the right amount of acid.
Available Year Round
Round Tomato
This flavorful type of tomato is medium-sized and beautifully colored. Each tomato measures approximately 2 to 3 inches yet offers a generous amount of fruit.
Available Year Round
Our succulent pineapples are familiar to most customers. You can take advantage of the popularity of this tropical fruit to get it moving off of your shelves quickly.
Available Year Round
Brussels Sprouts
We sell fresh brussel sprouts that have the perfect nutty flavor with a hint of sweetness. Our sprouts are compact heads free of blemishes, yellowing, or wilted leaves.
Available Year Round
Our green cabbage has thick and pliable leaves that are crisp and delicious. This versatile vegetable is the perfect choice for cooked dishes, salads, and slaws.
Available Year Round